Friday, November 14, 2008

Measures of the Soul

[Given the neglect this blog has felt lately, I resort to shorter reflections for a time]

My Google research regarding the origins of the phrase "The eyes are the window to the soul" has failed. Seeing as I can't figure out why this aphorism sticks, I respond that, "The ear is the touchstone of the soul."

By ear, I mean musical tastes, and by touchstone, I mean that people's default, most comfortable mode is usually clearly reflected in their musical tastes. Personally, I love simplicity, beauty, and peace; I enjoy music that crafts tranquil mastery out of very little.

This topic begs reflection on the impact of using music to "medicate" moods. That is, whether it is a good thing to have a 'mix' for every passing disposition.


Hops said...

See Matthew 6:22-23

Timothy said...

I always thought the expression about eyes as the window to the soul came from a lovestruck mediocre poet talking about his babe's beautiful blinkers.

I am curious about the implications of our musical tastes. When did it become virtuous to like a formerly unknown musical group before they became mainstream? Why do we do that?

David said...

You're probably right. I haven't found a satisfactory history of how that developed into the modern cliche.

Might it have something to do with our desire for individuality? For our own lack of creative expression, we express ourselves by finding someone else's creative expression before other people do, thus become more creative in our tastes than anyone else. This is perhaps one way to look at the phenomenon.