Sunday, January 04, 2009

Out of Darkness (A Hymn)

I wrote the retreat song for the College Group fall break retreat this year. The text, my one of my first attempts at writing a hymn text, is not as topically coherent as I would like, but it did fit the retreat theme reasonably well.

Out of Darkness

So hopeless the plight of man born into Adam’s sin!
And deadly is our transgression’s venom.
While dying, the sinner would still spurn the Savior’s face.
What can bring life to this body of death?

It’s grace, flowing down from the cross where Jesus died.
See him arise! Bringing life, O come and praise the Lamb who died!

And into the darkened world has come the one true Light.
Obtaining a people from every nation
When before our dying eyes, the Son is lifted up,
What work is done, as the Savior ascends?

A people called out of darkness to this wondrous Light;
A priesthood, a holy, chosen nation;
Proclaiming the wonders of the God who calls us “loved.”
What has giv’n life to these dry bones again?

Through all of the lies of hell would bid us turn from grace,
Our eyes are still fixed upon our Savior.
Though friends scorn, and foes deride, our outcome is secure:
What is our vict’ry in Jesus our Lord?

Words and Music by: David Jordan (2008)


Rachel said...

is there are recording of this?

David said...

Only a bad one from the retreat. Perhaps on Res Proj 2, though.

Ransom said...

When is it coming to CG? (or maybe we sang it since and I don't remember. Keep it in the rotation)

David said...

It sadly didn't make it to CG this fall. Advent was upon us far too quickly. Look for it in the first weeks of the coming semester.